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Who's it for

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Wizata is at the forefront with its dynamic suite of applications empowered by AI and machine learning. Our dedicated team of specialists is always on the move, enhancing our current offerings and creating innovative solutions tailored to our partners' needs.
Our mission is clear: to simplify the complex web of industrial operations, ensuring they're easier to manage, monitor, and control. At the same time, we're focused on slashing energy and production costs, driving efficiency to new heights.
Wizata makes a significant difference for diverse teams engaged in the industrial manufacturing process.
Explore the unique advantages and impacts for each team here:
Data Science Team Icon

Data Science Team

Data scientists are the primary users of the Wizata.

The platform is designed to simplify your workflow and increase your value contribution to the company.

The main benefits include:

Integrate seamlessly with Jupyter Notebooks and other tools

Easily experiment with all data labeled and organized in one place

Deploy and manage models efficiently using triggers

Scale models quickly with template functionality

Data Science Team

Operations Team Icon

Operations Team

The operations team benefits from the insights and recommendations generated by the platform, using model results for open-loop or closed-loop automation.

The main benefits include:

Utilize results and recommendation set points from various models

Provide feedback on model accuracy directly on the platform

Explore centralized data in a Unified Name Space to identify anomalies

Operations Team

Digitalization Team Icon

Digitalization Team

As the key drivers of our digital transformation and AI implementation, the business and digitalization teams play a crucial role in ensuring timely deployment and valuable insights with ROI.

The main benefits include:

Connect your data and complete your first pilot within 3 to 6 months

Replicate models across similar assets in less than a month

Achieve concrete impact and ROI from AI models

Business & Digitalization Team

At the heart of our mission is the creation of applications tailored to meet the diverse needs of every team member in your organization - from CEOs to technicians. Our goal is to encapsulate the full spectrum of your workforce's needs, delivering applications that are not only easy to navigate but also aesthetically pleasing and intuitively designed for everyone.

Our commitment extends to providing software solutions for your business operations that are not only flawless and user-friendly, but also equipped with advanced options, empowering you to lead with an AI-enhanced, machine-learning-driven platform.

Ready to level up?

You don’t have to do it alone. Connect with our experts to tailor a plan for your specific requirements.

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Lean On The Experts

You don’t have to do it alone. Our team of experts is waiting to help you.

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